Sandra Jo Shiery

Sandra Jo Shiery

Sandra Jo Shiery Meritorious Service Performance Pioneer Superior Performance Veterans USBC Superior Performance

  • USA
  • Hand: right
  • Career Wins: 10
Performance (2024)
Sandra Jo Shiery was a member of the PWBA from 1989 until 2000, collecting 10 PWBA titles during her time on tour, including the 1997 USBC Queens. Her first victory at a PWBA Tour event came at the 1989 South Bend Classic, which she won as a non-member. She won two events each in 1994 and 1995 and had a total of five top-five finishes in major championships, including her victory at the Queens. She was inducted into the Michigan State USBC Hall of Fame in 1991 and the USBC Hall of Fame in 2021.